10 Magical Real-Life Castles That Inspired Disney Films
"A lot of inspiration goes into Disney films from classic fairytales to historical figures. What about those castles though? Well, there...

10 Of The Craziest Corn Mazes Found In America
"As amazing as these designs are, they are not crop circles made by extraterrestrials. No, 'tis the season for exploring corn mazes!" -...

10 Must-Do Fall Activities If You're Visiting California
"Fall is a season of pumpkins, scary stories around a fire, trees changing color, and getting to wear your favorite sweaters again. It is...

Top 10 Cities In Europe For Horror Movie Tourism
"The horror genre is often times very tied into location. Creatures are bound to forests, to darkness, and haunted hills. Monsters do not...

10 Completely Free Things To Do In Scotland
"Travel easily gets expensive. You often have to pay for food, hotel, taxi, souvenirs, and so much more. With all that in mind, it may be...

10 Things People Do In Zoos That Annoy The Staff
"Unfortunately for adult animal lovers, zoos are too often seen as a place to entertain children rather than be an institution for...

10 Awe-Inspiring Natural Wonders You Can Only See In China
"The first thing most tourists think of when they think about China is its Great Wall. However, that is just the tip of the iceberg....

10 Real-Life Harry Potter Locations You Need To Visit
"The great thing about fantasy is that fiction is often based on reality. Especially due to the films, there are actually a ton of...

10 Real Life Cartoon Locations You Need To Visit In America
"Just because a place is drawn does not necessarily mean that it is made up. On the contrary, a lot of cartoons take place in real-life...

10 Strangest Saunas In The World
"What even counts as a sauna these days? Well, according to Wikipedia, saunas are defined as 'a small room or building designed as a...